Friday 26 April 2024, 6:18PM CDT (GMT -0500). The tide is currently falling in South Padre Island Coast Guard Station. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 1.64ft was at 7:50am and the lowest tide of -0.33ft will be at 10:47pm.

Next high tide

Next high tide is at

Next low tide

Next low tide is at

Tide times for South Padre Island Coast Guard Station

Tide table for South Padre Island Coast Guard Station this week
Day Tide times for South Padre Island Coast Guard Station Sunrise and sunset
1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide
Fri 267:50am
1.64 ft
-0.33 ft
6:55am 7:58pm
Sat 279:03am
1.64 ft
-0.66 ft
6:54am 7:59pm
Sun 2810:19am
1.64 ft
6:53am 7:59pm
Mon 2912:29am
-0.33 ft
1.97 ft
6:53am 8:00pm
Tue 301:32am
-0.33 ft
1.97 ft
6:52am 8:00pm
Wed 12:40am
-0.33 ft
1.97 ft
6:51am 8:01pm
Thu 23:54am
0 ft
1.64 ft
6:50am 8:01pm

More tide and marine information for South Padre Island Coast Guard Station