Saturday 27 April 2024, 12:50AM CDT (GMT -0500). The tide is currently falling in Arkansas Wildlife Refuge. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 0.66ft will be at 4:08pm and the lowest tide of 0ft will be at 3:16am.

Next high tide

Next high tide is at

Next low tide

Next low tide is at

Tide times for Arkansas Wildlife Refuge

Tide table for Arkansas Wildlife Refuge this week
Day Tide times for Arkansas Wildlife Refuge Sunrise and sunset
1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide
Sat 273:16am
0 ft
0.66 ft
6:51am 8:01pm
Sun 284:15am
0 ft
0.66 ft
6:50am 8:01pm
Mon 295:21am
0 ft
0.66 ft
6:49am 8:02pm
Tue 306:26am
0 ft
0.66 ft
6:48am 8:02pm
Wed 17:24am
0.33 ft
0.66 ft
6:48am 8:03pm
Thu 28:13am
0.33 ft
0.33 ft
6:47am 8:04pm
Fri 38:50am
0.33 ft
6:46am 8:04pm

More tide and marine information for Arkansas Wildlife Refuge