Port of Pascagoula Dock E tide charts for today, tomorrow and this week

Port of Pascagoula Dock E, Jackson County, Mississippi, United States tide chart

Thursday 25 April 2024, 3:25PM CDT (GMT -0500). The tide is currently falling in Port of Pascagoula Dock E. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 1.64ft was at 12:32pm and the lowest tide of -0.33ft will be at 11:33pm. Click here to see Port of Pascagoula Dock E tide chart for the week.

Next high tide

Next high tide is at

Next low tide

Next low tide is at

Tide times for Port of Pascagoula Dock E

Tide table for Port of Pascagoula Dock E this week
Day Tide times for Port of Pascagoula Dock E Sunrise and sunset
1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide
Thu 2512:32pm
1.64 ft
-0.33 ft
6:16am 7:29pm
Fri 261:10pm
1.64 ft
6:15am 7:29pm
Sat 2712:29am
-0.33 ft
1.64 ft
6:14am 7:30pm
Sun 281:29am
-0.33 ft
1.97 ft
6:13am 7:31pm
Mon 292:31am
-0.33 ft
1.97 ft
6:12am 7:31pm
Tue 303:32am
-0.33 ft
1.64 ft
6:11am 7:32pm
Wed 14:27am
-0.33 ft
1.64 ft
6:10am 7:33pm

Best fishing times for Port of Pascagoula Dock E today Today is a good fishing day

Major fishing times

From 7:55am to 9:55am

Opposing lunar transit (moon down)

From 8:26pm to 10:26pm

Lunar Transit (moon up)

Minor fishing times

From 6:32am to 7:32am


From 8:56pm to 9:56pm


Click here to see Port of Pascagoula Dock E fishing times for the week.

Current weather in Port of Pascagoula Dock E

Partly cloudy


Cloud cover 4%


Min 65°F/Max 77°F


10 mph
Wind gust 16 mph


Dew point 59°F

Click here to see Port of Pascagoula Dock E weather for the week.

Today's weather in Port of Pascagoula Dock E

The sun rose at 6:16am and the sunset will be at 7:29pm. There will be 13 hours and 13 minutes of sun and the average temperature is 70°F. At the moment water temperature is 68°F and the average water temperature is 68°F.

Weather forecast for Port of Pascagoula Dock E today
0 h 3 h 6 h 9 h 12 h 15 h 18 h 21 h 24 h
Partly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudyPartly cloudy

Click here to see Port of Pascagoula Dock E weather for the week.

More tide and marine information for Port of Pascagoula Dock E